Yougarden Pair Of Callista Vintage Round Planters 30cm White
From Robert Dyas
Create a statement in your garden with this pair of aged-effect planters. Reproducing a classic pattern, these weather-resistant, plastic planters are UV stable and will really last the test of time meaning you can use them year in, year out. Perfect for bulbs, bedding, shrubs, houseplants and more, these stunning pair of metallic-looking planters will add an exquisite decorative look to your home or garden, without the cost of real metal pots. Hand-finished in white paint, using a brand-new technique, they will add a touch of class to your home or garden. Made from heavy-duty injection moulded plastic, they're lightweight, tough and durable, and also frost and UV resistant, so they'll withstand the worst of our British weather too. Each one has drainage holes to allow water to freely escape and therefore let your plants thrive. An elegant and stylish pair of pots, they also make a great contemporary feature and are a great investment - they'll r
Our review of the Yougarden Pair Of Callista Vintage Round Planters 30cm White
We think you would be hard pushed to find something better than this Yougarden Pair Of Callista Vintage Round Planters 30cm!
Prices for this type of item have a huge range and we think that £16.99 is pretty good. As a name that has been around for a while, YouGarden are well known for their top notch quality items.
In addition we think it is worth noting that Robert Dyas have been fab with our items, no complaints from us!
Category: Garden & Leisure
Brand: YouGarden
Colours: White
Measurements: 30cm
Misc: Metal
Shape: Round
Style: Classic
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