Wylica Grey Fabric Shade Table Lamp With Ceramic Base
From Furniture in Fashion
Introduce some geometric style to your lighting with the Wylica table lamp with ceramic base grey fabric shade. FEATURES : Material : Ceramic, Linen Finish : Grey, White The Wylica table lamp will catch the eye thanks to the geometric pattern on its ceramic base The grey fabric shade will allow the light to be diffused softly, making this lamp perfect for creating a more subtle lighting mood A table lamp gives you more options terms of placement the home, with its 1. 8 meter (approx.) cable the Wylica table lamp offers even more flexibility Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 35cm Width : 23cm Depth : 23cm
Our review of the Wylica Grey Fabric Shade Table Lamp With Ceramic Base
Go on, you can be honest, you have secretly wanted a Wylica Grey Fabric Shade Table Lamp With Ceramic Base for ages haven’t you (we have too). AND…did someone say an amazing discount of 33% too? They surely did!
We are loving this new discounted price of £43.95! It’s as simple as that! When buying from Furniture in Fashion you can definitely show off, and be proud of your home. But with huge savings of £22 too you also get to keep a good chunk of your money!
We love stockists that love their customers, and so all hail to the lovely Furniture in Fashion who will send this product quickly and effortlessly to you - and with care!
Category: Table Lamps
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Grey
Materials: Ceramic, Fabric
Measurements: 35cm
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