Vlore Wooden Computer Desk With 2 Drawers In Natural
From Furniture in Fashion
Stylish, sustainable and all natural. Be closer to nature in your own home with the Vlore 2 Drawer Cane and Wood Dressing Table Desk & Chair Set in Natural. The smooth Natural painted Mango wood office desk or dressing table with matching solid wood chair is a great way to introduce natural materials and a positive space for you to work, study or get ready for the day. Complete with 2 easy slide desk drawers and gold handle detailing, that truly compliment the contrasting natural rattan fronts. FEATURES : Material : Rattan And Mango Wood Finish : Natural Handmade from Natural painted solid Mango Wood Timber and natural rattan Smooth sustainable office desk or dressing table with matching desk chair Given the nature of solid wood, every piece is unique, and no two pieces are the same Two easy slide desk drawers with gold handles on natural rattan fronts Ideal for storing laptops and stationery or make-up and accessories Natural sustainable
Our review of the Vlore Wooden Computer Desk With 2 Drawers In Natural
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Vlore Wooden Computer Desk With 2 Drawers In Natural with a great 33% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
We don’t think you will ever find a better or lower price than £439.95 – and if you do, this was still a price worth paying! When buying from Furniture in Fashion you can definitely show off, and be proud of your home. But with huge savings of £220 too you also get to keep a good chunk of your money!
All you need is love they say – well a bit of bargain hunting and shopping with Furniture in Fashion doesn’t hurt either!
Category: Computer Desks
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Natural
Drawers: 2 Drawer
Finish: Painted
Misc: Rattan
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