Vidaxl Bed Frame With Led Dark Grey Fabric 135x190 Cm 4ft6 Double Grey
From Robert Dyas
This classic bed frame with a colourful LED strip will become the focal point of your bedroom. Distinguished by an understated yet elegant design, this bed frame adds a touch of elegant charm to your bedroom decor. Made of wood and iron, this bed frame is exceedingly sturdy and durable. The wooden legs add extra durability to the bed. Additionally, upholstered in durable fabric, the bed exudes an inviting look, and it is easy to clean. Besides, you can conveniently adjust the power, brightness and different flashing colours of the LED light strip with the included fully functional 24-key remote control to create a stunning light show. This bed frame is suitable for a mattress of 135 x 190 cm. Please note that delivery includes a bed frame only; a mattress is not included. The bed is easy to assemble. You can check our shop for the matching mattresses. Features: Bed frame : Colour: Dark Grey Material: Iron frame + solid wood legs Head board materi
Our review of the Vidaxl Bed Frame With Led Dark Grey Fabric 135x190 Cm 4ft6 Double Grey
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Vidaxl Bed Frame With Led Dark Grey Fabric 135x190 Cm 4ft6 Double will tick most of your boxes.
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £153.99 is a fantastic deal! If you want quality and reliability then VIDAXL have a great reputation.
Finally, we do love Robert Dyas, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Furniture Accessories
Colours: Grey
Materials: Fabric
Measurements: 190cm
Misc: Wood
Size: Double
Style: Classic
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