Tectake Rattan Garden Furniture Lounge Siena - Dark Grey Grey
From Robert Dyas
Achieve your own oasis of wellness with this versatile rattan garden furniture sofa seater set from tectake. Freely combinable, the individual elements of this robust set give you a high level of flexibility. Thanks to the outdoor sets subtle look, this elegant furniture will easily complement any environment. Its extra-thick cushions mean that you are provided with optimum comfort. The two sofas can be combined to create a perfect corner set, or arranged in alternative ways depending on the available space. The practical storage box provides the perfect place to keep extra accessories, whilst the table allows you to enjoy an outdoor dining experience. Reserve the best seat of the season for your home with this Siena rattan garden furniture set from tectake. Features and Benefits Elements can be grouped freely Very comfortable, removable seat and back cushions Practical storage box with automatic lifting Robust steel frame Stainless steel screws
Our review of the Tectake Rattan Garden Furniture Lounge Siena - Dark Grey Grey
We think Tectake Rattan Garden Furniture Lounge Siena - Dark Grey Grey is absolutely fantastic!
They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £498.99 in this case is worth pursuing! We absolutely love TECTAKE! They have such good ranges and complementary items, you can pick and choose when and what you want to make your home really lovely.
In addition we think it is worth noting that Robert Dyas have been fab with our items, no complaints from us!
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