Tectake Rattan Garden Furniture Lignano Set Black
From Robert Dyas
Bring comfort to your patio, balcony or garden with the cosy rattan garden furniture Lignano set from tectake. The outdoor sets chairs generous seat depth and the comfortable upholstery of the cushions create an atmosphere that invites you to relax an enjoy. Each element of the modern lounge set can be flexibly combined with one another and securely connected using the practical retaining clips. The low table with its solid top made of hardened safety glass offers a practical place to put refreshments and snacks. The 4 seater corner sofa and coffee tables weave is made of a natural looking polyrattan - rediscover the summer with this versatile rattan garden furniture ensemble from tectake. Features: Rattan lounge set made up of five elements which can be freely grouped Fine weave made of UV-resistant polyrattan Solid steel frame with powder coating Removable, water-repellent and washable covers Table with removable safety glass top Specifications
Our review of the Tectake Rattan Garden Furniture Lignano Set Black
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Tectake Rattan Garden Furniture Lignano Set Black will tick most of your boxes.
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £350.99 is a fantastic deal! If you want to upgrade without costing the earth, then TECTAKE is a fantastic place to find yourself in.
Actually, we think as well that Robert Dyas offers great options for delivery and returns if you need it – so important when you are buying online!
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