Swan Stealth Dual Recycling Sensor Bin Retainer Ring Iron Body 70l Black

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Keep your waste disposal organised and hygienic with the hands-free Recycling Sensor Bin Individual compartments provide a complete household recycling system and makes separating general waste and recycling effortless. The lid automatically opens using an infrared motion sensor for hygienic waste disposal, with a foot pedal to access the recycling compartment in the base of the bin. The lid at the top of the bin will automatically close again after 5-6 seconds of inactivity and has a soft close function to minimise noise disruption. Features a total 70 litre capacity to accommodate for a busy household, with a 45L general waste compartment at the top & a 25L compartment for recycling at the bottom. The retainer ring keeps your bin liner in place, making it easy to change when needed. The on/off switch will let you switch to manual mode with 4x AA batteries required (not included). Batteries are required in order to use the top compartment as a s

Our review of the Swan Stealth Dual Recycling Sensor Bin Retainer Ring Iron Body 70l Black

We think Swan Stealth Dual Recycling Sensor Bin Retainer Ring Iron Body 70l Black is absolutely fantastic!

It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £190.00 is a fantastic deal! If you want quality and reliability then Swan have a great reputation.

Also, very.co.uk, fantastic retailers, brilliant to deal with in every way.


Category: Home & Garden > Kitchen
Brand: Swan
Colours: Black
Materials: Iron

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