Summerby Sleep Egyptian Cotton And Eco-comfort Spring Hybrid Mattress - Single White

From Robert Dyas

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Hybrid mattress combining memory foam and coil springs. Thanks to the luxurious Egyptian Cotton and the eco comfort fibres this mattress will help keep you cool for a naturally comfortable night’s sleep. Available sizes include Single, Small Double, Double and King-Size. Features: NATURAL SLEEP & BACK SUPPORT: Combines a natural memory foam sleep surface with the support of traditional steel coil springs for a great firm feel mattress. Perfect for master bedrooms, childrens beds, or as a luxury guest bed option BREATHABLE EGYPTIAN COTTON: Features a 100% natural cotton sleep surface. Egyptian cotton is one of nature’s most luxurious materials, keeping you cool at night whilst being extremely hard wearing and soft to sleep on ECO COMFORT FIBRES: Manufactured from recycled bottles these fibres enable you to sleep comfortably without costing the earth. Perfect for breathability, our eco comfort fibres promote a fresher, cooler night’s

Our review of the Summerby Sleep Egyptian Cotton And Eco-comfort Spring Hybrid Mattress - Single White

If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Summerby Sleep Egyptian Cotton And Eco-comfort Spring Hybrid Mattress - Single will tick most of your boxes.

It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £105.99 is a fantastic deal! When we are looking for beautiful items, we know we can rely on Summerby Sleep.

Finally, we do love Robert Dyas, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!


Category: Mattresses
Brand: Summerby Sleep
Colours: White
Materials: Cotton
Misc: Cotton
Size: Small Double
Style: Traditional

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