Stanley Quicklink Rolling Workshop Stst83319-1
Stanley 3 In 1 Modular Rolling Workshop (STST83319-1) The STANLEY Modular Rolling Workshop Toolbox is a smart 3-in-1 portable workshop solution which separates into three toolboxes in a matter of seconds, with auto-lock front stacking latches allowing for quick one-handed operation for connecting and releasing each toolbox. This portable workshop includes an extra-large deep bin for safe and convenient storage of power tools and hardware, a medium-sized toolbox with removable tote tray ideal for storing hand tools and a shallow toolbox for small parts and accessories. The shallow and medium toolbox both feature strong and easylock front metal wire latches for durability and protection of contents. Each rolling toolbox is complete with heavy duty 7-inch road tested wheels and a telescopic handle for smooth mobility, which can be folded down to conveniently fit into a car or van. What we like - 3 In 1 solution allows you to combine all your items i
Our review of the Stanley Quicklink Rolling Workshop Stst83319-1
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Stanley Quicklink Rolling Workshop Stst83319-1 will tick most of your boxes.
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £138.99. As a name that has been around for a while, Stanley are well known for their top notch quality items.
Finally, we do love, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Home & Garden > Garden > Garden Tools
Brand: Stanley
Colours: Brown
Misc: Metal
Size: Large
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