Stanley 57 Piece Screwdriver Set Stht0-62143
Stanley 57 Piece Screwdriver Set The STANLEY 57 Piece Screwdriver Set has been built using chrome vanadium steel, which helps ensure a longer life. The handle design has been moulded to the bar creating a virtually unbreakable bond that is highly reliable. The marked screwdriver ends offer easier identification for selecting the correct screwdriver for the correct application. Cordless: N Dimmer Switch: N Laser Guide: N Safety Catch: N Chrome vanadium bars allows for long life Complies with ANSI regulations Large soft grip handles provides higher torque for easier screwing Moulded handle to bar connection for longer life and more torque transfer from handle to screw Size and tip style clearly indicated on handle for easy screwdriver selection
Our review of the Stanley 57 Piece Screwdriver Set Stht0-62143
We know how important it is to have a nice home full of stuff that hasn’t broken the bank, and so Stanley 57 Piece Screwdriver Set Stht0-62143 is an amazing addition to any house!
Finding this item at only £20.99 is a real bargain! If you want to upgrade without costing the earth, then Stanley is a fantastic place to find yourself in.
Finally, we do love, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Home & Garden > Garden > Garden Tools
Brand: Stanley
Colours: Brown
Size: Large
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