Stanley 24 Piece 1 2 Inch Socket Set Stmt82830-1
Stanley 1/2" 72 Tooth Ratchet and Socket Set with 24 accessories (STMT82830-1) The STANLEY 1/2" 72 Tooth Ratchet and Socket Set with accessories is made with fine 72-teeth that allows for 5° increments, ensuring tightening capacity and accuracy within narrow spaces. It comes with a large, flush quick release button for easy socket removal. The STANLEY 1/2P" 72 Tooth Ratchet and Socket Set with accessories is particularly suitable for all environments. This versatile set has been designed for efficiency and productivity. The next generation sockets have a maxidrive profile, to maximize the contact between the socket and nut/bolt, and a dimension visible, to easily identify the socket dimension. Comfort is guaranteed thanks to the chrome vanadium steel handle, which provides good grip preventing accidental switching and allows for easy, one-handed operation. What we like - Wide selection of accessories offers improved added value to tackle most ge
Our review of the Stanley 24 Piece 1 2 Inch Socket Set Stmt82830-1
Wow wow wow! We have been looking for a Stanley 24 Piece 1 2 Inch Socket Set Stmt82830-1 for a while now, and the other day we got an alert that it is now available with a discount of 16%!
We think this price of £75.99 is so good we might actually buy more than one! A Stanley product, with a saving of £14 – need we say more?!
We really love an easy shopping experience, that we feel is giving us the best deals! With we really do feel we get the best service, and so keep returning.
Category: Home & Garden > Garden > Garden Tools
Brand: Stanley
Colours: Brown
Shape: Oval
Size: Large
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