Pinon Wooden Computer Desk In Chalked Chestnut
From Furniture in Fashion
The Chalked Wood Computer Desk is a charming and delightfully neutral coloured option for all styles of office, although compact in size, it provides more than ample space for writing and computer work. It benefits from a large desktop working surface, contrasting metal handles, a flip-down slide-out keyboard/mouse shelf with metal runners and safety stops, a storage area with an adjustable shelf which can hold a vertical CPU tower and two drawers, one of which can accommodate letter and European hanging files. This desk also benefits from a 360 degree finish, with the option to be freestanding. FEATURES : Material : MDF Finish : Chalked Chestnut Chalked wood computer desk Chalked Chestnut finish Flip-down moulding reveals slide-out keyboard/mouse shelf with metal runners and safety stops Two drawers with metal runners and safety stops Lower drawer holds letter or A4 hanging files Metal handles Cable management system Storage area behin
Our review of the Pinon Wooden Computer Desk In Chalked Chestnut
Oh my word, did someone say Pinon Wooden Computer Desk In Chalked Chestnut with a brilliant discount of 33%? We couldn’t get to a browser fast enough when we found out!
So, in short, you get this now at the amazing low low price of £699.95! Furniture in Fashion is one of those everlasting cool brands that everyone loves. They don’t even need to publicise most of their sales and so your amazing saving of £350 will be our secret!
Furniture in Fashion - what can we say? Amazing name, amazing stockiest – and amazing bargains such as this!
Category: Computer Desks
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Misc: Metal
Size: Compact
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