Pembury Outdoor Cushion - Grey
From Cox and Cox
Create a cosy and inviting outdoor seating area for you and your guests this summer, by adding our Pembury Outdoor Cushion to your furniture sets.In a mixture of grey tones, a cross stitched pattern creates a series of horizontal stripes that add visual interest to your space in a subtle and intricate design, perfect for a neutral garden scape.
Our review of the Pembury Outdoor Cushion - Grey
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Pembury Outdoor Cushion - Grey will tick most of your boxes.
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £35.00. If you want quality and reliability then Cox and Cox have a great reputation.
Actually, we think as well that Cox and Cox offers great options for delivery and returns if you need it – so important when you are buying online!
Category: Furniture
Colours: Grey
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Many of the products we list offer both free and next day delivery!The specific delivery options for the Pembury Outdoor Cushion - Grey will be provided through from Cox and Cox.See the latest delivery information and costs, including estimated time and date of delivery.Find out more
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