Outsunny Reclining Portable Chaise Lounge Chair - Black Black

From Robert Dyas

Was £37.99 Now £30.99
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Take comfort with you anywhere you want to enjoy the sun and summer heat with this foldable lounge chair from Outsunny. Using steel to form a frame that is tough and stable, it is made into a wide and long design, giving you lots of room to unwind and relax peacefully, with a weather-resistant PVC coated Oxford cloth seat, which as well as allowing your skin to breathe, it helps distribute your weight effectively so you can lounge for hours on end without your body aching. It's adjustable to two levels, meaning you can pick the correct back angle for you, with the detachable pillow adding extra support and comfort for your head. Foldable for easy moving and compact storage, this chair comes fully assembled, meaning once it arrives, you can start enjoying it straight away. Features and Benefits LONG AND WIDE LOUNGER: A great way to relax anywhere you want, giving you plenty of room to lay back and stretch out. Great for gardens, balconies, patios

Our review of the Outsunny Reclining Portable Chaise Lounge Chair - Black Black

So in a dream we saw a beautiful Outsunny Reclining Portable Chaise Lounge Chair - Black Black that was perfect for what we wanted! And we came hunting on the internet and found it with this 18% discount off! Thank you karma!

We think this price of £30.99 is so good we might actually buy more than one! In terms of having something in your home that you just love, you can’t do any better than buying from Outsunny - especially when they are offering you a saving of £7!

We really love an easy shopping experience, that we feel is giving us the best deals! With Robert Dyas we really do feel we get the best service, and so keep returning.


Category: Sheds & Garden Furniture
Brand: Outsunny
Colours: Black
Size: Compact
Type: Recliner

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