Novara 170cm Brown Pedestal Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Sophia Chairs
The Novara collection showcases luxurious marble in gorgeous colours and beautiful shapes, for statement-making style.
Our review of the Novara 170cm Brown Pedestal Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Sophia Chairs
We have had Novara 170cm Brown Pedestal Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Sophia Chairs in our favourites for a while, and now it is been offered with a 10% discount we think it is the time for action!
This offer means that this is now only £1869.00 – we haven’t seen it this low for a while and think it is worth snapping up! This means you are currently saving £210 on a product from the amazing Oak Furniture Superstore – we have told all our friends!
We love that Oak Furniture Superstore are offering this brand with a discount right now – anything to save a bit of money but to still live beautifully is welcome!
Category: Dining Sets
Brand: Oak Furniture Superstore
Colours: Brown
Materials: Marble
Measurements: 170cm
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Many of the products we list offer both free and next day delivery!The specific delivery options for the Novara 170cm Brown Pedestal Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Sophia Chairs will be provided through from Oak Furniture Superstore.See the latest delivery information and costs, including estimated time and date of delivery.Find out more
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