Miami High Gloss S Shape Design Tv Stand In Black

From Furniture in Fashion

Was £213.95 Now £119.95
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This Striking Miami High Gloss S Shape Design TV Stand In Black offers enough space for keeping all your entertainment equipments like heavy TVs, cable/satellite, CDs, DVD players. If you are planning to renovate your living, family, guest's room and want to furnish your home with modern as well as sleek furniture item, this contemporary TV stand will perfectly suit every type of home decor. FEATURES : Material : MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard), Metal Finish : Black High Gloss, Chrome Miami High Gloss S Shape Design TV Stand In Black This trendy Black Miami TV Stand will really become the main focus of your living room It comes with black high gloss finish and polished chrome finished support looks fantastic Offers S shape design with 2 open compartments ensures stability and durability For your modern living room, this stunning TV stand is just appropriate Finest quality materials used for long life and strength Available at Affordable

Our review of the Miami High Gloss S Shape Design Tv Stand In Black

Go on, you can be honest, you have secretly wanted a Miami High Gloss S Shape Design Tv Stand In Black for ages haven’t you (we have too). AND…did someone say an amazing discount of 44% too? They surely did!

So, in short, you get this now at the amazing low low price of £119.95! We just couldn’t say no to buying from the gorgeous Furniture in Fashion – especially with a big saving of £94 too!

All you need is love they say – well a bit of bargain hunting and shopping with Furniture in Fashion doesn’t hurt either!


Category: Budget Tv Stands
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Black
Materials: Gloss
Finish: Gloss
Misc: Metal
Size: Medium
Style: Contemporary

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