Marino 180cm Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Francesca Chairs
Attractive shaping and gorgeous marble textures characterise the Marino collection of luxurious tables that are designed to perfectly suit any dining occasion, whether with family or a group of friends.
Our review of the Marino 180cm Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Francesca Chairs
What can we say? It is not often you see Marino 180cm Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Francesca Chairs with a discount of 9%!
With this discount this means you are now only paying £1699.00! We absolutely love Oak Furniture Superstore and so any time there are offers on their products we snap them up – and this time we are saving £160 too!
We get a lot of our best deals from Oak Furniture Superstore as we love their options, and with another great discount, even better!
Category: Dining Sets
Brand: Oak Furniture Superstore
Colours: Cream
Materials: Marble
Measurements: 180cm
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Many of the products we list offer both free and next day delivery!The specific delivery options for the Marino 180cm Marble Dining Table With 6 Cream Francesca Chairs will be provided through from Oak Furniture Superstore.See the latest delivery information and costs, including estimated time and date of delivery.Find out more
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