Liang Eimil Milka Oil Painting

From Olivia's

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The Milka oil painting incorporates neutral accents and depth into the hand painted design while playing with textures and depth. The shadows between the protruding shapes are visible while also blending in. It has texture and shape that ties the entire canvas together. It will be unrivalled whether placed in a light or dark environment. Features: Oil Paint On Canvas, Hand Painted and comes without Frame   Dimensions: H:1000 x D:50 x W:700mm Materials: Oil Paint On Canvas Assembly Required: No

Our review of the Liang Eimil Milka Oil Painting

We think you would be hard pushed to find something better than this Liang Eimil Milka Oil Painting!

Prices for this type of item have a huge range and we think that £545.00 is pretty good. As a name that has been around for a while, LiangAndEimil are well known for their top notch quality items.

The buying experience from Olivia\'s is amazing, we are always impressed at how smooth and easy it is!


Category: Painting
Brand: LiangAndEimil
Finish: Painted
Misc: Canvas

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