Leaf Artificial Tree Plant Fox Aglaonema Tree Plant Silver Metal Planter Green
From Robert Dyas
Leaf Design UK Spotted Evergreen Artificial Plant - 100cm Spotted Evergreen Silver Planter. Overall size as arranged in our photos: 100cm tall. Comes fully assembled requiring only minor arrangement to suit your space.. Comes potted in a Plastic weighted pot and pack inlcudes a separate silver planter it can be placed inside.Stems are wired and can be shaped to your requirements.High quality plant from Leaf Design UK. Features: Leaf Design UK Spotted Evergreen Artificial Plant - 100cm Spotted Evergreen Silver Planter. Overall size as arranged in our photos: 100cm tall Comes fully assembled requiring only minor arrangement to suit your space. Comes potted in a Plastic weighted pot and pack inlcudes a separate silver planter it can be placed inside Stems are wired and can be shaped to your requirements. High quality plant from Leaf Design UK Realistic replica of a real plant Leaf Design UK product Specifications: Dimensions: H:100.0 x W:70.0 x D:70
Our review of the Leaf Artificial Tree Plant Fox Aglaonema Tree Plant Silver Metal Planter Green
When we saw this Leaf Artificial Tree Plant Fox Aglaonema Tree Plant Silver Metal Planter Green with an incredible discount of 50%, we thought this is probably the closest to winning the lottery we are ever going to get!
There are times in life where you need to take action and not miss an absolutely amazing bargain – and with a price of £61.99, at less than half price this is one of those times you need to click buy right now! Leaf is an amazing brand, and with this saving of £61, at less than half it's original price it's such a fantastic deal, and certain to be the best price you’ll find online!
It is a far, far better thing I do now... to snap up this amazing deal from the much-loved Robert Dyas! Bad quoting aside, what an absolute find, grab it quickly before they sell out!
Category: Decorations
Brand: Leaf
Colours: Green
Materials: Metal, Silver
Measurements: 100cm
Misc: Metal
Size: Tall
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