Leaf Artificial Boxwood Buxus Topiary Tree 120cm Trunk Green

From Robert Dyas

Was £125.99 Now £62.99
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Our artificial boxwood ball trees have incredible attention to detail and look very realistic. Stems are wired so this can be arranged to fit your space perfectly. As displayed in our photograph this tree stands 120cm high. Ball width approx 35cm. It is highly realistic with botanically accurate foliage. It comes potted in a plain plastic pot (measuring 18cm (w) x 15cm (h)) and is ready to display. You can easily put this inside a larger planter if you wish and these look much more impressive in large or tall planters covered with gravel or bark. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use. We recommend all outdoor trees are resprayed with UV protection spray once a year to keep them looking their best. Features: Our artificial boxwood ball trees have incredible attention to detail and look very realistic. Stems are wired so this can be arranged to fit your space perfectly As displayed in our photograph this tree stands 120cm high. Ball width approx 35cm

Our review of the Leaf Artificial Boxwood Buxus Topiary Tree 120cm Trunk Green

We just absolutely love this Leaf Artificial Boxwood Buxus Topiary Tree 120cm Trunk Green – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!

You might think we have made a grave miscalculation if we told you the price of this is now an amazing £62.99 – but we are not wrong or joking! There are always bargains from Leaf - so when I see savings as good as this at less than half price – saving me £63! I grab one quickly then let my friends all now - we all end up winners!

Robert Dyas – great seller, great service, great price! And at this discount this is likely to sell out really quickly, click buy and grab it before you miss out!


Category: Decorations
Brand: Leaf
Colours: Green
Measurements: 120cm
Misc: Plastic
Size: Large

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