Kodak Bunk Bed And Trundle In White With Bonnell Mattresses
From Furniture in Fashion
The Kodak Bunk Bed and Trundle in White with Bonnell Mattresses from Furniture in Fashion is the perfect solution for maximizing space in a kid's bedroom. The sturdy wooden construction ensures safety and durability whil e the trundle provides an extra sleeping space for guests or sleepovers. With the included Bonnell mattresses, your kids will sleep soundly and comfortably. Order now to create a stylish and functional bedroom for your children. Please Note : Any faults or damaged parts must be reported before proceed with the assembly FEATURES : Material : Solid Pine Wood Finish : White The distance (bed clearance height) between the bottom and the top bed is 73. 5cm. The gaps between safety guard panels are 6. 5cm wide The safety guards height - 27cm Storage Drawers Height: Fronts - H11. 5cm; Sides & Back H9cm Ladder : Width - 40. 5cm Distance between the ladder steps - 20. 5cm The Ladder is universal - it can be assembled on either s
Our review of the Kodak Bunk Bed And Trundle In White With Bonnell Mattresses
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Kodak Bunk Bed And Trundle In White With Bonnell Mattresses with a great 33% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
It’s not about money, except at the moment with rising prices for us ordinary people it really is. But good news! With a super low price of £949.95, you know you couldn't have got it any cheaper! Who on earth can turn down such a large a saving of £475 from Furniture in Fashion?!
They say you can only ever have 2 of the 3 things you want at any one time – so we want gorgeous things, great prices and reliable stores - guess what - with Furniture in Fashion we can have all 3!
Category: Bunk Beds
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: White
Misc: Wood
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