Hypnos Luxury No Turn 6 Mattress Small Double
From Mattressnextday
A family run business, Hypnos have been creating luxurious beds and mattresses since 1904. With traditional techniques passed down through generations combined with modern designs and technology, Hypnos put your comfort first. The Hypnos Luxury No Turn 6 Mattress features an array of innovative Hypnos designs, including the luxurious ‘God of Sleep’ signature damask sleep surface. Expert support where it matters Two layers of eOlus™ recycled fibre support padding ensure incredible stability and support. Made from recycled polymer based products, these ingenious layers of fibre increase the breathability of the mattress, ensuring a cool sleeping environment as well as inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Eco-friendly and fully recyclable at the end of its life, the Hypnos Luxury No Turn 6 Mattress will help you sleep better not only due to its enhanced levels of comfort and support, but due to its sustainability. Sandwiched between these two su
Our review of the Hypnos Luxury No Turn 6 Mattress Small Double
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Hypnos Luxury No Turn 6 Mattress Small Double will tick most of your boxes.
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £1349.0. When we are looking for beautiful items, we know we can rely on Hypnos.
Finally, we do love Mattressnextday, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Mattresses
Brand: Hypnos
Size: Small Double
Style: Modern
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