Homcom Free Standing Electric Fireplace Stove With Fan And Log Burning Flame Effect 2000w 1000w Room Heater Wood Burner 2 Heat Settings Black
From Aosom UK
Winter evenings are drawing in, keep warm with Cast Iron Effect fireplace from HOMCOM. With natural looking wood effect logs, flame, not only with you be warm and cosy in comfort of your home, but it will also give you the pleasure likewise of building your own fire. Electrically operated with bulb light for flame effect, our Cast Iron effect fireplace is the ideal addition to your living space. This electrical fireplace ensures you a permanent comfortable heat and provides the complete aesthetics of a wood stove without the inconvenience. This traditionally styled electric stove with a black cast iron effect finish and a log frame effect. Its flame effect can be used independently of its two heat settings. The inner flame effect is generated by a bulb light and creates wood-like burning, realistic flame effect.Features:2 heat settingsFreestandingOpening DoorBlack cast iron effectThe flame brightness can be adjustedFlame dimmer control and thermo
Our review of the Homcom Free Standing Electric Fireplace Stove With Fan And Log Burning Flame Effect 2000w 1000w Room Heater Wood Burner 2 Heat Settings Black
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Homcom Free Standing Electric Fireplace Stove With Fan And Log Burning Flame Effect 2000w 1000w Room Heater Wood Burner 2 Heat Settings Black will tick most of your boxes.
They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £57.99 in this case is worth pursuing! In terms of great design and great prices, you are hard pushed at the moment to find a better brand than HOMCOM.
Aosom UK are also fantastic, and we love their style and ethos – as well as their stock!
Category: Home & Garden > Household Appliances > Climate Control Appliances > Heating Radiators
Colours: Black, Brown
Materials: Wood
Misc: Wood
Style: Traditional
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