Homcom 39 Oscillating Tower Fan With 3 Speeds 12hr Timer Led Panel Remote Black Bedroom Cooling Aosom Uk
From Aosom UK
Keep cool and carry on with your day, thanks to this HOMCOM tower fans. Choose between the normal/natural/sleep mode and low/medium/high speed to set to how you want to be cool. It oscillates to a maximum 80° angle, meaning it blows air out to a greater radius - suitable for several people enjoying at once. The LED panel makes it easy to view the settings and control - and it comes with a remote too to change from a distance. Complete with a top handle, this sleek tan is easy to move and carry.
Our review of the Homcom 39 Oscillating Tower Fan With 3 Speeds 12hr Timer Led Panel Remote Black Bedroom Cooling Aosom Uk
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Homcom 39 Oscillating Tower Fan With 3 Speeds 12hr Timer Led Panel Remote Black Bedroom Cooling Aosom Uk will tick most of your boxes.
They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £41.99 in this case is worth pursuing! In terms of great design and great prices, you are hard pushed at the moment to find a better brand than HOMCOM.
In addition we think it is worth noting that Aosom UK have been fab with our items, no complaints from us!
Category: Home & Garden > Household Appliances > Climate Control Appliances > Fans
Colours: Black
Size: Medium
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