Harbour Housewares Free-standing Steel Coat Rack - Black Black
From Robert Dyas
Keep home hallways neat and organised with this Free-Standing Steel Coat Rack from Harbour Housewares.With its lightweight yet durable tubular steel framework, this classically styled coat stand will prove to be a sturdy storage staple for years to comeMultiple prongs at varying heights allow for easy hanging of both kids' and adults' coats and jackets, as well as hats, scarves, bags and even umbrellas!The perfect DIY project for a laid-back Sunday afternoon, this rack is easy to assemble and comes with all fixtures and fittings provided. Features: Keep home hallways neat and organised with this Free-Standing Steel Coat Rack from Harbour Housewares With its lightweight yet durable tubular steel framework, this classically styled coat stand will prove to be a sturdy storage staple for years to come Multiple prongs at varying heights allow for easy hanging of both kids' and adults' coats and jackets, as well as hats, scarves, bags and even umbrella
Our review of the Harbour Housewares Free-standing Steel Coat Rack - Black Black
We have been looking around for a while, and we really love this Harbour Housewares Free-standing Steel Coat Rack - Black Black.
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £15.99. Everyone we know is a big fan of Harbour Housewares!
Finally, we do love Robert Dyas, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Storage
Brand: Harbour Housewares
Colours: Black
Materials: Steel
Style: Classic
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