Gracious Gardens Furniture Cover Round - 190 X 80cm

From Robert Dyas

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Features: Introducing the Gracious Gardens Heavy Duty Garden Patio Furniture Covers. These garden chair covers come with an innovative breathable vent that prevents mould and condensation build up, maintaining the pristine condition of your furniture. Whether you are looking for a garden table cover, or any outdoor furniture cover, this product is the perfect choice. The Futura waterproof covers for outdoor furniture are the perfect item to keep your rattan garden table and chairs protected from rain and snow throughout the winter or to keep them from fading from the UV rays in the summer.The patio furniture covers waterproof are manufactured from Heavy Duty Oxford Fabric and boast an extra strength PVC backing making it one of the most durable garden furniture covers in the market. With its black aesthetic design, it not only provides comprehensive protection but also enhances the look of your outdoor space.The outdoor furniture covers waterproo

Our review of the Gracious Gardens Furniture Cover Round - 190 X 80cm

We love sophisticated living, and think that this Gracious Gardens Furniture Cover Round - 190 X 80cm really hits the mark!

If you have an idea of how much you would want to spend on this, we think £22.99 is pretty spot on. Everyone we know is a big fan of Gracious Gardens!

On top of all this Robert Dyas are just lovely, really easy to buy from and really reliable and friendly.


Category: Sheds & Garden Furniture
Brand: Gracious Gardens
Measurements: 80cm
Misc: Rattan
Shape: Round

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