Gallery Interiors Sandon Media Unit In Prairie
From Olivia's
This media unit presents a modern twist on traditional style. The grooved & planked oak top creates a stunning contrast with the hand painted body and metal door handles. The unit has adjustable shelves and a single cupboard, perfect for storing all your entertainment appliances. Dimensions: H: 45 x W: 140 x D: 37.5 cm Materials: Oak, Pine, MDF Assembly Required: No Care Instructions: Clean with a soft dry cloth
Our review of the Gallery Interiors Sandon Media Unit In Prairie
We just absolutely love this Gallery Interiors Sandon Media Unit In Prairie – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 55% don't wait!
There are times in life where you need to take action and not miss an absolutely amazing bargain – and with a price of £336.00, at less than half price this is one of those times you need to click buy right now! There are always bargains from GalleryDirect - so when I see savings as good as this at less than half price – saving me £414! I grab one quickly then let my friends all now - we all end up winners!
Don’t forget at this price this product from the amazing Olivia\'s will be selling out really quickly. Grab one now, you can be confident in their delivery and returns policy if you change your mind later!
Category: Media Units
Brand: GalleryDirect
Finish: Painted
Misc: Metal
Size: Single
Style: Modern
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