Gallery Interiors Madrid Console Table - Walnut
From Olivia's
Following the current nostalgic trend for mid century style and Scandinavian design influences, this range has been designed as an updated living /dining range, capturing the spirit of this 20th century movement. The choice of walnut material has been a conscious decision to distance itself from other ranges, that are typically in oak or teak. This choice of material is seen as a nod to the past, but also a quality timber of choice, used by many contemporary Italian furniture manufacturers. This console table has a unique boat shaped top to create style and shape in the room - excellent as a console table or as a sofa table, its ultra cool and elegant.
Our review of the Gallery Interiors Madrid Console Table - Walnut
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Gallery Interiors Madrid Console Table - Walnut with a great 42% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
So, in short, you get this now at the amazing low low price of £319.00! We just couldn’t say no to buying from the gorgeous GalleryDirect – especially with a big saving of £230 too!
They say you can only ever have 2 of the 3 things you want at any one time – so we want gorgeous things, great prices and reliable stores - guess what - with Olivia\'s we can have all 3!
Category: Console Tables
Brand: GalleryDirect
Materials: Walnut
Style: Contemporary
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