Furniture Box Leonardo Glass And Chrome Metal Dining Table And 4 X Cappuccino Grey Corona Silver Chairs Set

From Robert Dyas

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Combining modern design and simplicity with an edge, our Leonardo dining table gives a minimal visual footprint with sheer transparency. The table features a 120x70cm tempered glass top that will easily stand up to the demands of a busy household and with architecturally styled intertwined legs for a beautiful finish, it's as practical as it is good-looking. Paired alongside our beautiful faux leather diamond Corona chairs, you can't go wrong with this set.With a perfect balance of pattern and texture the new Corona Chair is a statement piece ready for the modern dining space. The trendy gold or silver chrome legs are all the rage and offer a perfect way to add an accent of lustre to your home. The Scandi-style faux leather seat with diamond pattern stitching is a unique take on a classic design offering comfort and durability for everyday use. Features and Benefits Stylish - Stylishly combining chrome and glass with a top quality fini

Our review of the Furniture Box Leonardo Glass And Chrome Metal Dining Table And 4 X Cappuccino Grey Corona Silver Chairs Set

We think you would be hard pushed to find something better than this Furniture Box Leonardo Glass And Chrome Metal Dining Table And 4 X Cappuccino Grey Corona Silver Chairs Set!

Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £455.99. When we are looking for beautiful items, we know we can rely on Furniture Box.

In addition we think it is worth noting that Robert Dyas have been fab with our items, no complaints from us!


Category: Furniture Accessories
Brand: Furniture Box
Colours: Grey, Silver
Materials: Chrome, Glass, Metal, Silver
Misc: Glass
Style: Classic

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