Cohen Wooden Office Cabinet In Grey Ash With 3 Drawers
From Furniture in Fashion
Cohen Wooden Office Cabinet In Grey Ash With 3 Drawers, this pedestal cabinet is a stunning piece of modern furniture perfect for any home office decor. It features 3 drawers and castors which makes it easy to move around at your work area, thereby helps in keeping paperwork or files near your hand anytime. This Pedestal is the perfect way to store all your home office essentials. Features: Cohen Wooden Office Cabinet In Grey Ash With 3 Drawers Grey Ash Drawer dimensions: W: 44cm x D: 48cm x H: 16cm This beautiful piece of furniture will accommodate your office files, books, paperwork and stationary The curved corners adds both style Metal handles allow for easy operation It is put on Castors which makes it easy to move around and allows you to customize your office requirement Matching range furniture also available Available At an Affordable Price Dimension: Width: 44cm Depth: 48cm Height: 58cm
Our review of the Cohen Wooden Office Cabinet In Grey Ash With 3 Drawers
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Cohen Wooden Office Cabinet In Grey Ash With 3 Drawers with a great 44% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
It’s not about money, except at the moment with rising prices for us ordinary people it really is. But good news! With a super low price of £339.95, you know you couldn't have got it any cheaper! When buying from Furniture in Fashion you can definitely show off, and be proud of your home. But with huge savings of £267 too you also get to keep a good chunk of your money!
So, to bring this to a conclusion – wow, wow, wow. Oh, and before we forget, you also get the amazing delivery and returns options from Furniture in Fashion if you change your mind after you have bought!
Category: Home And Office Cabinets
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Grey
Materials: Ash
Drawers: 3 Drawer
Misc: Metal
Shape: Corner
Style: Modern
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