Botanik Metal Planter Stand Black Iridescent Rainbow Plant Pot 62cm X 18cm Black
From Robert Dyas
Luxuriously crafted, this exquisite metal planter stand and separate metal planter exude elegance and sophistication. The large planter stand, measuring 62cm x 18cm x 18cm, boasts four small adjustable twist feet. Made from powder coated metal, both the stand and planter are meticulously handcrafted in a rustic finish, showcasing intentional minor imperfections that add character and uniqueness to each piece. The metal planter, measuring 20cm wide x 18cm high, fits snugly inside the stand, creating a harmonious display. Perfect for indoor use, this design is available in a selection of luxurious colours to suit your exquisite taste. Features: Set of a metal planter stand and separate metal planter. Can be used together or separately This large planter stand measures 62cm x 18cm x 18cm. It has four small adjustable twist feet on the bottom Material: Powder coated metal. Material: Powder coated metal The metal planter measures 20cm wide x 18cm high
Our review of the Botanik Metal Planter Stand Black Iridescent Rainbow Plant Pot 62cm X 18cm Black
We just absolutely love this Botanik Metal Planter Stand Black Iridescent Rainbow Plant Pot 62cm X 18cm Black – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!
So, with the discount, you are now paying less than half at the amazing price of £58.99 for this! BARGAIN! There are always bargains from Botanik - so when I see savings as good as this at less than half price – saving me £59! I grab one quickly then let my friends all now - we all end up winners!
So, when you weigh it all up, and then realise you’re buying from the gorgeous Robert Dyas, you know you are onto a winner! You better be quick though, at this price they’ll be sold out quickly.
Category: Garden & Leisure
Brand: Botanik
Colours: Black
Materials: Metal
Misc: Metal
Size: Large
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