Asiatic Romy 200x290cm 04 Kite Sage Rug Green
From Robert Dyas
Beautiful hand tufted designs with pile made from 100% recycled materials Specifications: Guarantee:1 Year Material: 100% Pet Model Number: ROMY2002900004
Our review of the Asiatic Romy 200x290cm 04 Kite Sage Rug Green
Once upon a time there was a Asiatic Romy 200x290cm 04 Kite Sage Rug Green, and we really wanted it, and then the discount fairy saw our pain and gave us a pretty decent 25% discount off! Thank you discount fairy!
In all honesty, we have done our research and looked around at availability, and we all agreed we couldn’t find any better than this price of £349.99. A Asiatic product, with a saving of £117 – need we say more?!
It is worth saying that as well as a quality product, a quality shopping experience is essential – this is why we love Robert Dyas, we find them so easy to deal with!
Category: Flooring & Carpeting
Brand: Asiatic
Colours: Green
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