Arkos 1200mm Wooden Computer Desk In White With Silver Legs
From Furniture in Fashion
Sleek and stylish with clean cut lines and balanced proportions, the Arkos computer desk is a real standout in the home office. Comprising a sturdy steel subframe which is built to last and desktops which take on a floating appearance, Arkos offers a clean and minimal look to the home with clean, functional lines and co-ordinated desktop finish options offer everything you need to be inspired and productive at home. FEATURES : Material : MDF, Metal Finish : White, Silver Single straight desks 600mm deep with scalloped cut outs in the desktops Sturdy steel framework and bench tops which take on a floating appearance Ideal for the home office environment Clean and coordinated look to the home office Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 725mm Width : 1200mm Depth : 600mm
Our review of the Arkos 1200mm Wooden Computer Desk In White With Silver Legs
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Arkos 1200mm Wooden Computer Desk In White With Silver Legs with a great 33% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
Good news! With an incredible low price of £329.95, no one can moan at you for buying this, ever! You can wear your bargain hunters badge with pride! Furniture in Fashion is one of those everlasting cool brands that everyone loves. They don’t even need to publicise most of their sales and so your amazing saving of £165 will be our secret!
All you need is love they say – well a bit of bargain hunting and shopping with Furniture in Fashion doesn’t hurt either!
Category: Computer Desks
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Silver
Materials: Silver
Misc: Metal
Size: Single
Style: Minimal
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