Arizones Fabric 3 Seater Electric Recliner Sofa In Caramel
From Furniture in Fashion
The Arizona collection of sofas and chairs offers a winning blend of modern styling, quality materials and excellent comfort. FEATURES : Material : Fabric Finish : Caramel Dressed in a fabulous fabric that gives a nubuck feel and look This collection has been designed to offer support to the body with lumbar Head rolls incorporated into the design and extra soft padding on arm rests It is offered in fixed, manual reclining and electric reclining options on all sofas and chairs Simply add scatter cushions to tie your scheme together, sit down, relax and let this suite envelop you in its comfort Most Stylish and Unique piece of furniture Matching furniture available Images shown are for illustration purpose only Available at an affordable price Dimensions: Height : 1030mm Width : 2030mm Length : 930mm
Our review of the Arizones Fabric 3 Seater Electric Recliner Sofa In Caramel
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Arizones Fabric 3 Seater Electric Recliner Sofa In Caramel will tick most of your boxes.
They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £1069.95 in this case is worth pursuing! Everyone we know is a big fan of Furniture in Fashion!
Also, Furniture in Fashion are really great, easy to buy from, and easy to contact if we have had any questions.
Category: 3 Seater Fabric Sofas
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Materials: Fabric
Seats: Seats 3
Style: Modern
Type: Recliner
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