Aidapt Wooden Lap Tray With Cushion - 10x49 5x38 5cm

From Robert Dyas

Was £35.99 Now £33.99
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This beautiful and functional Aidapt Lap Tray makes breakfast in bed, reading, writing and crafts easy and comfortable. The lap tray has a built-in cushion below the tray top, finished in tartan fabric, so will rest comfortably on your legs while you lie or sit. The table top surface has a pleasant design that will suit both modern and traditional homes and is laminated for easy cleaning. With built-in handles to more easily carry and position the Lap Tray. Features and Benefits Comfortable - This stable lap tray has a built-in beanbag type cushion, so it will rest easily on your legs. Easy to clean - Wipe-clean finish on the table top for handiness. Built-in handles - It makes easy to carry and position the lap tray. Specifications Herb Garden design Guarantee: 1 year Dimensions: H10 x W49.5 x D38.5cm Ideal for use in the bedroom, lounge or around the home Built-in beanbag type cushion Wipe-clean finish on the table top Suitable

Our review of the Aidapt Wooden Lap Tray With Cushion - 10x49 5x38 5cm

We have had Aidapt Wooden Lap Tray With Cushion - 10x49 5x38 5cm in our favourites for a while, and now it is been offered with a 6% discount we think it is the time for action!

We think that £33.99 is an amazing price for this! What a really great saving of £2 from such a cool brand as Aidapt.

As well as this great saving, we love buying from Robert Dyas as they are so quick and easy to deal with!


Category: Crockery
Brand: Aidapt
Misc: Wood
Style: Modern

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